Let’s hear it for Menopause!
Call it an inevitable phase of your life or a new beginning. And a new beginning is always tough. It may bring a complete new set of physical and mental challenges into your life.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural process that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. If a woman does not get her periods for 12 months, she is said to have attained menopause.

How will I Know I’m in Menopause?

Though, the symptoms may vary among women. There are some noticeable signs one can experience.

  • Hot Flashes
  • Chills
  • Night sweats
  • Joint Pain
  • Blemishes
  • Irritability
  • Sleep problems
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood changes
  • Weight gain and slowed metabolism
  • Thinning hair and dry skin
  • Loss of breast fullness

How Holistic Diet can help?

We believe in the natural healing power of the body and its capability to revive itself. Personalized diet plan and homoeopathy medicine has the ability to provide you with a complete and sustainable solution. Unlike conventional treatment, we don’t follow the method of stuffing your body with artificial supplements. We look at the person as a whole, understand their habits and lifestyle, then suggest them a specialized plan accordingly.
Ageing is Natural. Select Natural to Live Natural.

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